Issue #28
The Island of Jaded Mariners by Nathan Leslie

There is one go-getter living amongst a collection of sticks-in-the mud. The sticks-in-the-mud are retired sea captains who selected the small two-mile by three-mile dollop of an island in our archipelago as their resting home. They have built stately manors and...

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Island of Hair by Nathan Leslie

On the Island of hair—or the Hairy Island as it is otherwise known—visitors find their hair follicles unusually active. Hair sprouts from areas usually devoid of hair.

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One Broken Glass by Nathan Leslie

As a result of the geological makeup of Loaf Island most of the sand is darker in hue and, as a result, it is very difficult to find clear glass on the island—this must be imported.

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Glass Flamingos by Catherine Roberts

I smash them all. Because who the fuck collects glass flamingos? Around me, pink shards sparkle in the carpet like pretty vomit.

Mom’s new boyfriend is a liver fluke by Cole Beauchamp

He attached quickly (can I buy you a drink, let’s hook up, sure I’ll meet your kid), slid into our house unnoticed (toothbrush here, pair of socks there) and two months on, here we are, host and Fasiola Herpatica.

Gallows Pole by Kathy Hoyle

In the dead of summer, while the whiptails hide in sagebrush shadows, and everything blisters in the amber heat and there ain’t nothin but buzzards hummin for miles around, a hanged man dances on a gallows pole.

Blue-naped Parrots See More Than They Say by Judy Darley

I date Brodie while I’m visiting Seattle. He shares a draughty old house with a bunch of roommates, including a blue-naped parrot who lives in a big cage looking out at a treehouse.

Husband by Sara Cappell Thomason

I want a house, a wife, a steak dinner and all my bills paid on time. I want to settle down in a house and get paid. Dinner from my wife served on time