Issue 34

New Flash Fiction Review

Issue 34 includes new collaborations by Cole Beauchamp and Sumitra Singam, Philippa Bowe and Karen Walker, Ela Brave and Iván Brave, Kate Faigen and Kyle Weik, Lucas Flatt and Travis Flatt, Rina Palumbo and Christine Fugate, Rachel Harbaugh and Sarah Hurd, and Kim Magowan and Michelle Ross.

What’s New?

Issue 34

Issue 34 includes new collaborations by Cole Beauchamp and Sumitra Singam, Philippa Bowe and Karen Walker, Ela Brave and Iván Brave, Kate Faigen and Kyle Weik, Lucas Flatt and Travis Flatt, Rina Palumbo and Christine Fugate, Rachel Harbaugh and Sarah Hurd, and Kim Magowan and Michelle Ross.

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I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours by Eliot Li

I tell you I’ve only ever shown it to a girl who I met on a tour bus in Moscow, where I was traveling with my parents. She had bad acne, and she really liked Duran Duran.

Electric Storm by Kathryn Aldridge-Morris

It’s been twenty minutes since the first bolt of lightning ripped a scar through the purple night sky. Since my mother said to swim in the rain ― it’s fun. Since her boyfriend Colin said he’d join us― to check we’re ok.

Amelia Earhart Knew Seven Latin Words for Fire by Joe Kapitan

Ignis, the flaming wreckage, bubbling rubber, liquified cloth, her skin charred and blistering, acrid smoke, the tiny thunders of survival’s kicks

Get Your Authentic Stardust Here by JP Relph

The night the sky cracked, I was sprawled on the hood of my car beside that good-for-nothing boy, naming constellations, ignoring his fingers on my neck.

Bog Iron by Shane Larkin

We make stops on the way to our bog plot to look at the little skeletons. Dad tells me about them. Curlews and skylarks in dancing poses. Tiny skulls.