Submission Guidelines

NFFR will be open for submissions for issue 36 from December 15, 2024 to Jan 15, 2025.

As editors always say, read the magazine for a sense of what we like. We value your trust in sending us your work. We’ll strive to send our replies within two weeks of the submission deadline. Here are our general guidelines:

  • We invite you to submit one story.
  • The maximum word count is 500 words.
  • We don’t accept previously published material.
  • Submissions only via Submittable.
  • Simultaneous submits are cool, just do us the courtesy to withdraw it if needed.
  • Please note all of our readings are anonymous, so please do not have any author information in your document, including as the file name, or we will have to reject it in fairness to the others and the principle of reading anonymously. 

As usual, include a cover letter including a brief bio. Also, include an originality pledge in your letter that affirms that your work is your own and that AI was not used in its creation.

And do read recent issues of NFFR to give you a sense of what we love.

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