Our Story
New Flash Fiction Review was founded in 2014 by Meg Pokrass. An online magazine originally devoted to flash fiction, we have also published interviews with notable writers, prose poetry, and creative nonfiction.
We’re proud to have NFFR stories selected for awards anthologies such as the Wigleaf Top 50 and the Best Small Fictions anthology. It’s a joy each year to make nominations and see the authors we champion celebrated. Visit our recognition page for more details.
You may contact us at newflashfictionrevieweditors@gmail.com but please don’t email us submissions. Visit our submission page for more details.
Editorial Team
Meg Pokrass (Founding Editor/Consulting Editor)
Meg Pokrass is the author of seven full flash fiction collections, including (from earliest to latest) “Damn Sure Right” (Press 53, 2011), “Cellulose Pajamas” (Blue Light Book Award, 2015), “The Dog Looks Happy Upside Down” (Etruscan Press, 2016), “Alligators At Night” (Ad Hoc Fiction, 2018), “The Dog Seated Next to Me”, (Pelekinesis, 2019), Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (Chapbook from V. Press, 2020), and “Spinning to Mars” (Blue Light Book Award, 2020), “, a flash chapbook, “An Object At Rest” (Ravenna Press, 2020), and two novellas-in-flash: “Here, Where We Live” (Rose Metal Press, 2014) and “The Loss Detector” (Bamboo Dart Press, 2020), “Spinning to Mars” (Winner of the Blue Light Book Award, 2021) and “The House of Grana Padano (co-authored with Jeff Friedman). Meg’s flash fiction, prose poetry and hybrid writing has been widely internationally anthologized, most notably in 3 Norton anthologies of the flash fiction form: Flash Fiction America (W.W. Norton & Co., 2023), New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018) and Flash Fiction International (W.W. Norton & Co., 2015), The Best Small Fictions (2018 & 2019), the Wigleaf Top 50 (4 x) and the BIFFY Awards in 2019 and 2020, as well as many other anthologies including Brevity Magazine’s Flash Non-Fiction Funny and 100-Word Story’s Nothing Short of 100. Meg is a great teacher of flash fiction. Her classes lead writers to generating lots of material in directions they may not have gone on their own!
Valerie Fox (Fiction, Managing Editor)
Valerie has published or has work forthcoming in a variety of journals, including Juked, Ruby, Hanging Loose, Okay Donkey, Philadelphia Stories, Ellipsis Zine, The Phare, Across the Margin, Flash, Reflex, and The Café Irreal. Stories she has written have been included in the Best Small Fictions (Sonder) and Best Microfiction (Pelekinesis) annuals. Recently she published The Real Sky, a hand-made collaborative artist’s book with visual artist Jacklynn Niemiec in an edition of 26. Books include Insomniatic, The Rorschach Factory, and Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon (a compilation with Arlene Ang). Her current favorite editing endeavor (in addition to NFFR) is her work with Writers Room at Drexel University, where she edits the Writers Room annual anthologies. Valerie enjoys being surprised and delighted by voice-driven stories and she appreciates writing that respects and engages her as a reader.
Cole Beauchamp (Contributing Editor)
Cole Beauchamp (she/her) is a queer writer based in London. She was in the Wigleaf Top 50 2024, a Best Microfictions 2024 nominee, and has been shortlisted in the Bridport, Bath and WestWord prizes for flash fiction. Her stories have appeared in New Flash Fiction Review, The Phare, trampset, Citron Review and others. She lives with her girlfriend and has two children. You can find her on Twitter at @nomad_sw18
Dan Crawley (Consulting Editor)
Dan Crawley is the author of Straight Down the Road (Ad Hoc Fiction, 2019), The Wind, It Swirls (Cowboy Jamboree Press, 2021) and Blur (Cowboy Jamboree Press, 2023). His writing appears in Jellyfish Review, Lost Balloon, JMWW, Milk Candy Review, Atticus Review, and elsewhere. Find him at https://twitter.com/danbillyc.
Karen Jones (Consulting Editor)
Karen Jones is a flash and short story writer from Glasgow, Scotland. She has won first prize in Reflex Flash Fiction, Cambridge Flash Fiction and Flash 500 and has been shortlisted for Commonwealth Short Story Competition, Bath Flash Fiction, Bath Short Story Award, To Hull and Back, and HISSAC and many others. Her work is published in numerous ezines, magazines and anthologies. Her story Small Mercies was nominated for Best of the Net, a Pushcart Prize and is included in Best Small Fictions 2019 and the BIFFY50 2019. Her novella-in-flash When It’s Not Called Making Love is published by Ad Hoc Fiction. She is editor of the National Flash Fiction Day Anthology. She likes stories that have strong emotional resonance without being mawkish or cliched. She likes stories that make her laugh, but not because of punchlines. She likes stories that approach the form in different and surprising ways without feeling the form is forced. She loves weird, funny stories.
Kirsten Kaschock (Contributing Editor)
Kirsten Kaschock, a Pew Fellow in the Arts, is a poet and novelist who writes across several genres. Her background in dance has impacted her work—she consistently addresses intersections between language and body. She is the author of five poetry books and a chapbook, among them: Explain This Corpse (Lynx House Press), Confessional Science-fiction: A Primer (Subito Press), The Dottery (University of Pittsburgh Press/winner of AWP Donald Hall Prize)and A Beautiful Name for a Girl (Ahsahta Press). Coffee House Press published her debut speculative novel—Sleight. Her second novel, The Rate at Which She Travels Backwards, is forthcoming… stay tuned.
Al Kratz (Consulting Editor)
Al Kratz is a writer from Des Moines, Iowa. He is the author of two chapbooks: “Off the Resting Sea” from above/ground press and “The Tony Bone Stories” from Ad Hoc Fiction. He is co-founder of the Flash Monsters!!! blog and his personal website is alkratz.com.
Shane Larkin (Contributing Editor)
Shane Larkin is a writer from Meath, Ireland. His work has appeared in Splonk, No More Workhorse, Celtic Canada and elsewhere. In 2023, he has been shortlisted for the Welkin Writing Prize and longlisted for the Fish Publishing Flash Fiction Prize. He won the 2023 NFFR Flash Fiction Prize for “Bog Iron.” Find him on Twitter @ShaneJLarkin.
Louella Lester (Contributing Editor)
Louella Lester is a writer/photographer in Winnipeg, Canada. Her writing has appeared in SoFloPoJo, The Ekphrastic Review, Cult. Magazine, Flash Flood, New Flash Fiction Review, Blink Ink, MacQueen’s Quinterly, The Dribble Drabble Review, Molecule, The Odd Magazine, Reflex, Litro, Cleaver, and a variety of other journals/anthologies. Her quirky Flash-CNF book, Glass Bricks, about all the jobs she’s done, is published by At Bay Press. Her work is included in Best Microfiction 2024.
Keith J. Powell (Technical Editor)
Keith J. Powell is co-founder and managing editor of Your Impossible Voice and occasionally posts @KeithJPowell.com. His chapbook of flash fiction Sweet Nothings Are A Diary If You Know How To Read Them is available from ELJ Editions.
Mary Thompson (Consulting Editor)
Mary Thompson’s work has recently been shortlisted, longlisted and published in various journals and competitions including Ghost Parachute, Flash 500, Fish Short Memoir, Pigeonholes, LISP, Ink in Thirds, Retreat West, Reflex Fiction, Flashflood, Ellipsis Zine, the Cabinet of Heed, Memoir Mixtapes, Atticus Review, Spelk, Firewords, Funicular Magazine, and Fictive Dream. A story inspired by the work of Emily Carr appears in The Group of Seven Reimagined: Contemporary Stories Inspired by Classic Canadian Paintings (Heritage Press). Mary is looking for pared-down pieces that linger, and meaning in the spaces between the words. For her, it is less about pretty words and more about the emotional resonance of a seemingly simple phrase or sentence.