What they never tell you about Lil Red Riding Hood is that the wolves were everywhere.
Sundress by Robert Shapard
She hadn’t seen her children or grandchildren for so long she sometimes forgot she had them. Then Child Protective Services found her.
Home from Nantucket by Jennifer Dunn Stewart
What she will remember about that morning won’t be the sky, though this will be what so many will remember. How it was so blue and cloudless.
Range by Pia Z. Ehrhardt
Alerts flash through my phone. High winds. Flash flooding. Seek shelter. Our pup’s at the kitchen door, and I let her in.
The Foil Pamphlet by Steven Paul Lansky
When you get as hungry as a bear do you hear the bear? If you do hear the bear, do you hear it from the inside, or from the outside? Does the bear speak French?
TWA Wine by Josip Novakovich
While teaching a writing workshop at the Fine Arts Work Center, I invited a friend of mine to join me as I had a whole cottage with three rooms to myself, and to be my guest in the workshop of nonficiton.
A Kiss At Last by G.L. Morrison
“You know what’s terrible?” she said. “Most people never know the last time they’re going to kiss someone. They don’t know that’s it.
Elms by Dawn Raffel
I might have known her anywhere: the wreck of a cheek, the loose lid of an eye, the broken vein, felled breast, the burst cloud of the iris.
The Moon and My Mother by Harper Follansbee, Jr.
Many years ago my mother wrote me a letter from Africa.