Josh Russell

Editor's Note

Thanks to everyone who trusted us with their work this month. It was difficult to watch the events of the world unfold as we were reading this month, but it was also another reminder of the power of love. The power of creativity. The power of being alive. Good will always win out in the long run, but it’s all too frequent pairing with unnecessary loss is a sad reality to be sure.

Thanks to everyone who has allowed us to share this work with you now. We hope you enjoy it.

-Al Kratz March 2022

About Josh Russell

JOSH RUSSELL is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in Prose, the Independent Publisher Book Awards Bronze Medal for Literary Fiction, and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference Shane Stevens Fellowship in the Novel. His shorter prose has appeared in One Story, Subtropics, New Micro: Exceptionally Short Stories, and Epoch. His novels are Yellow Jack (W.W. Norton), My Bright Midnight (Louisiana State University Press) and A True History (Dzanc Books), and his chapbooks of very short prose are Pretend You’ll Do It Again (Greying Ghost Press) and Suburban Folktales (forthcoming, The Cupboard Pamphlet). At Georgia State University, he is Professor of English and Director of the Creative Writing Program.

December 10, 2018

Issue 15: Guest Edited by Josh Russell

Hunter and Art Hunt, Student Fund Raisers by Michael Martone

Swimsuit by Christopher Merkner

On the Utility of Small Talk with Waitpersons by Tom Williams

Look at Yourself by Alissa Nutting

He Sings by Marcela Fuentes

Shop Girl by Dionne Irving Bremyer

A Simple Tale by Lily Hoang

The Profusion by John Holman

Exceptional Drought by Candace Nadon

Flat Stanley investigates Velma’s murder by Jennifer Howard

Postcard by Brian Kitely

Amenities by Margaret Luongo

New and Selected Mountains by Matt Sailor

A Tribute by Jody Brooks

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