Where I Found Him

Way up in Alaska I found the man who loved me. He could no longer move his feet. I found him half-dead, staring up at the sky, looking for a helicopter. He turned his head and said to me “I am sad”. When he spit my name, it froze, but I understood it. He juggled the letters with his frostbitten stare. I was just visiting, a tourist in Alaska, I said, I was not local and could not be depended on. But the truth was this; I wanted to be loved by this man, even if the ice were rigid and the climate would ruin whatever we became. I liked the feel of his frozen words, the way they caught each other mid-air.


She: “So, you mean, as an example, you would be sitting here in the garden like this and if you were in Facebook, you’d take a photograph of yourself sitting here in this garden, and you’d put it all over on Facebook and say ‘look at me, hooray, here I am, wonderful me, in this garden’?”


She: “Extraordinary!”


Meg Pokrass, is a flash fiction writer, poet and writing tutor. Her books include flash fiction collections,Bird Envy (2014), Damn Sure Right (Press 53 2011) The Dog Looks Happy Upsidedown (forthcoming from Etruscan Press2016) and an award-winning book of prose poetry Cellulose Pajamas (Blue Light Book Award Winner 2015). Among her many other publications, she has a flash-fiction novella and essay on the form in My Very End of the Universe, Five mini-novellas in flash and a Study of the Form published by Rose Metal Press. Meg is not really sure if she lives in California or the north of England, but you can keep up-to-date with her antics at megpokrass.com.

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