Kim Magowan

Issue 34

Issue 34 includes new collaborations by Cole Beauchamp and Sumitra Singam, Philippa Bowe and Karen Walker, Ela Brave and Iván Brave, Kate Faigen and Kyle Weik, Lucas Flatt and Travis Flatt, Rina Palumbo and Christine Fugate, Rachel Harbaugh and Sarah Hurd, and Kim Magowan and Michelle Ross.

two black skeleton keys on an old paper
Issue #34

Courtesy by Kim Magowan and Michelle Ross

At the checkout line, I wave ahead a woman who clutches nothing but a bottle of shampoo. She doesn’t say thank you, but she does smile gratefully, so I’m not too bothered by the omission. But then she and the elderly cashier get to chatting. About courtesy, of all things.

Vintage photo of a grocery store
Issue #24

Come, Come by Kim Magowan

They say that ghosts can slip through walls, but we can’t. We don’t know if it is something special about us, and by “special,” we mean the opposite, of course—some further way we can’t do what others take for granted.

lit lantern
Issue #11

Tapped by Kim Magowan

A week before Ruth’s daughter heads to college, she crawls into Ruth’s bed in the middle of the night. Shivering, Hannah describes her nightmare.

A boot print on carpet