Interview Without the Vampire: An Interview with Meg Pokrass and Jeff Friedman
Jeff Friedman and Meg Pokrass Discuss Collaboration, Improvisation, and Which Beatle/s They Sometimes Are.
Jeff Friedman and Meg Pokrass Discuss Collaboration, Improvisation, and Which Beatle/s They Sometimes Are.
In this installment of State of the Art, New Flash Fiction Review editors and recent contributors—those winning and commended in this year’s contest—share insights on their writing lives and processes.
Bob evaporated from her life on a Sunday morning. Mary had driven to Costco for canned peaches and paper towels, toilet paper, etcetera and when she returned—no Bob.
This was the quality Christmas had: Mom working on her plans of escape. Dad with his closed-door dreams. The Christmas angel drunk on top of the tree. Dad had recently come to think of Mom as a threat to his happiness.
In the mirror, your face stares back at you, under-slept and hungry. Far as you know, the boss died happily paragliding between your fine, fine breasts, and when the paramedics got there, he was absolutely dead. By then your clothes were on.
Steven John interviews Meg Pokrass, Founding Co-Editor (with Gary Fincke) of the Best Microfiction series about the anthology
Meg Pokrass catches up with Jeff Landon about his work in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co, 2018)
At first they felt zippy and free, his bird-night summer e-mails. One e-mail would say just a few warm words, trail off, be gone it seemed— but then, surprise!
Steven John, Associate & Features Editor, interviews Pedro Ponce about his flash fictions in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co, 2018)
Curtis Smith is interviewed by Meg Pokrass as part of NFFR's New Micro Interviews Series. Curtis Smith's "The Quarry" and "The Storm" have been published in NEW MICRO (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018)
Meg Pokrass interviews Nancy Stohlman about her stories in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018) and her new forthcoming flash fiction collection, MADAM VELVET'S CABARET OF ODDITIES. This interview is part of New Flash Fiction Review's ongoing New Micro Interviews series
Meg Pokrass interviews Kyle Hemmings about his stories in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018) and about the craft of writing microfiction.
Meg Pokrass interviews Lynn Mundell about her work in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018) and about the art of writing microfiction.
Meg Pokrass Interviews Christopher Merkner about his work in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018) and about the craft of writing micro fiction.
Meg Pokrass talks to Sherrie Flick about her forthcoming work in NEW MICRO (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018), her forthcoming collection from Autumn House Press, THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS (Autumn House Press, 2018) and her work as Series Editor for BEST SMALL FICTIONS, 2018.
Meg Pokrass interviews James Thomas, co-editor of New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co, 2018) about the forthcoming anthology, and about his history with publishing Norton anthologies of very short fiction.
Author Charmaine Wilkerson, who won both the Sabateur Novella Award and Bath Flash Fiction's Novella-in-Flash Award for "How to Make a Window Snake", a novella-in-flash, is interviewed by Meg Pokrass
An interview in which New Flash Fiction Review’s Meg Pokrass asks 100 Word Story’s illustrious editors Lynn Mundell and Grant Faulkner to talk about the creation of their thrilling new anthology: Nothing Short of 100, a collection of the best 100-word stories from 100 Word Story magazine.
Meg Pokrass asks Sarah Freligh to discuss her stories in NEW MICRO and to talk about the craft of writing microfiction.
“It’s hot work, being beautiful, but they are willing to make the concessions, to pay cash so their wives cannot track their other lives.”—excerpt from “Hot Work” by Tiff Holland, appearing in NEW MICRO (W.W. Norton & Co, 2018)
Meg Pokrass asks Roy Kesey to discuss his thoughts on creating microfiction. Roy Kesey's “Learning to Count in a Small Town” and "Calisthenics" are forthcoming in New Micro - Exceptionally Short Fiction (W.W. Norton & Co, 2018).
Meg Pokrass, New Flash Fiction Review's Founding Editor and Norton anthology contributor is interviewed here by Tommy Dean. New Micro: Exceptionally Short Stories, is forthcoming from W.W. Norton & Co. in 2018.
Way up in Alaska I found the man who loved me. He could no longer move his feet. I found him half-dead, staring upat the sky, looking for a helicopter.