The Seventh Son by Sandra Arnold
When my mother’s new boyfriend moved in I kept out of his way by hiding in the garden of a derelict house. The garden was full of trees, but the one I loved most was a hundred year old macrocarpa called Septimus.
When my mother’s new boyfriend moved in I kept out of his way by hiding in the garden of a derelict house. The garden was full of trees, but the one I loved most was a hundred year old macrocarpa called Septimus.
He slid into the world with no warning, landing on the bathmat as I stepped out of a hot shower. He was so small his skin hung off his twiggy limbs like an oversized suit.
Sandra Arnold Interviews Meg Tuite about her story in NEW MICRO (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018)
Sandra Arnold Interviews Kathleen McGookey about her work in NEW MICRO (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018)
Sandra Arnold interviews Molly Giles about her stories in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018)
When Tiffany was an hour old her father carried her to the top of the highest hill on his land.
Tabitha lay on her stomach on the warm concrete, her head poking out the doorway of the yard.