Vintage photo of a woman shaking hands with a person in a giant donkey costume
February 20, 2024

Welcome to NFFR #32, Animal Life

Dear NFFR Readers,

Welcome to NFFR #32, Animal Life.

Thank you to everyone who submitted works. As usual it was incredibly hard to make our selections due to the stellar quality of the writings you shared with us. We sincerely appreciate all of you who support the journal by continuing to trust us with your writing. Appearing in this issue: a spider, a cat, several dogs, glass flamingos, a donkey, a pig, a dragonfly, blue-naped parrot, a snake, trout, and many more creatures.

Featured writers are L. Acadia, Guy Biederman, Tim Craig, Judy Darley, Laura Grant, Brandon Haffner, Lucinda Kempe, Jay Kenny, Georgie Morvis, Alan Michael Parker, Vincent James Perrone, Catherine Roberts, Vimla Sriram, and Sidney Tilghman.

Also, a very special thank you and welcome to new editors (and amazing writers) Shane Larkin, Louella Lester, and Kirsten Kaschock. Kirsten has also contributed a column for this issue, “Micro-Dreams,” which we hope you will all find inspiring, helpful, hopeful.


NFFR Editors

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