Rosetta Post-its by Guy Biederman
Los Gatos Tienen Hambre, says the post-it on the fridge. Since when did the cats learn Spanish, since when did they learn to write? The same could be asked of you, says another post-it.
Los Gatos Tienen Hambre, says the post-it on the fridge. Since when did the cats learn Spanish, since when did they learn to write? The same could be asked of you, says another post-it.
Issue 32: Animal Life features work by L. Acadia, Guy Biederman, Tim Craig, Judy Darley, Laura Grant, Brandon Haffner, Lucinda Kempe, Jay Kenny, Georgie Morvis, Alan Michael Parker, Vincent James Perrone, Catherine Roberts, Vimla Sriram, and Sidney Tilghman.