Featuring Claudia Monpere, Erin Ruble, Christy Stillwell, Sara Cappell Thomason, Molly Foltyn, S.A. Greene, Beth Kanter, Kai-Lilly Karpman, and K. McGuirk.
Issue 34
Issue 34 includes new collaborations by Cole Beauchamp and Sumitra Singam, Philippa Bowe and Karen Walker, Ela Brave and Iván Brave, Kate Faigen and Kyle Weik, Lucas Flatt and Travis Flatt, Rina Palumbo and Christine Fugate, Rachel Harbaugh and Sarah Hurd, and Kim Magowan and Michelle Ross.
Issue 33
Featuring new work by Cole Beauchamp, Elizabeth Conway, Kathy Hoyle, Alex Juffer, Hetty Mosforth, Jane O’Sullivan, Liz Rosen, Shaun Levin, and Kathryn Silver-Hajo.
Issue 32: Animal Life
Issue 32: Animal Life features work by L. Acadia, Guy Biederman, Tim Craig, Judy Darley, Laura Grant, Brandon Haffner, Lucinda Kempe, Jay Kenny, Georgie Morvis, Alan Michael Parker, Vincent James Perrone, Catherine Roberts, Vimla Sriram, and Sidney Tilghman.
Issue 31
Issue 31 includes new work by Jack B. Bedell, Courtney Clute, Giselle Gerbrecht, Jude Higgins, Josie Kochendorfer, Joel Hans, Rosaleen Lynch, Imogen Rae, Max Steiner, and Cecilia Wright.
Issue 30: 2023 New Flash Fiction Prize
Issue 30 features work by Shane Larkin, Fiona McKay, Donna Obeid, Jennifer Lai, Richard Holinger, Melissa Llanes Brownlee, Kathleen Latham, Lynn Powers, Elizabeth Fletcher, and JP Relph.
Issue 29
Featuring new work by Christine H. Chen, Darlene Eliot, Annamaria Formichella, Elizabeth Fletcher, Robert Herbst, Sara Hills, Serena Jayne, Michelle Morouse, Audrey NIVEN, Kelly Pedro, Kathryn Silver-Hajo, Daniel Addercouth, Tom Vowler, Nan Wigington, Rena Willis, and Dan Crawley.
Issue 28
Featuring new microfiction by Kathryn Aldridge-Morris, Gail Anderson, Kate Faigen, Jo Gatford, Jeff Goll, Suzanne Hicks, Ruth Joffre, Lorette Luzajic, Frankie McMillan, Angeline Schellenberg, Curtis Smith, Julia Ruth Smith, Joshua Michael Stewart, Jeff Young, and Nathan Leslie.
Issue 27
Featuring work by Olga Dermott-Bond, Angela Readman, JP Relph, Tommy Dean, Louella Lester, Keith J. Powell, River Kozhar, Lynn Mundell, and Leah Mueller.
Special Issue: 2022 New Flash Fiction Prize
This year’s judge, Leonora Desar, has chosen a winner and three runner-up entries and we are happy to also have 5 other stories from our shortlist in this year’s Prize Issue.
Issue 26
Featuring new work by Cathy Ulrich, Georgiana Nelsen, Todd Clay Stuart, Noémi Scheiring-Oláh, Gordon Mennenga, Kinneson Lalor, Tanya Cliff, Joe Kapitan, Kate Gehan, Kathleen McGookey, Louella Lester, and Marina Vaysberg. Cover Photography by Al Kratz.
Issue 25
Featuring work by Eileen Vorbach Collins, Gaele Sobott, Elissa Cahn, Francine Witte, L. Soviero, Ara Hone, Shelly Jones, Jude Higgins, Gabrielle Griffis, Margaret MacInnis, Briana Maley, Yael Veitz, Kayann Short, Alfred Fournier. Painting by Kristy Evans.
Special Issue: Myths and Legends
Featuring work by Frankie McMillan, Constance Malloy, Melissa Llanes Brownlee, Matt Kendrick, Mandira Pattnaik, Elaine Chiew, Misty Urban, Jason Zwiker, Robert Barrett, and Annie Bien.
Special Issue: 2021 New Flash Fiction Prize
This annual prize helps us keep New Flash Fiction Review afloat. We appreciate your support and are happy to present this years winners and short listed stories.
Issue 24
Featuring work by Jude Higgins, Lisa K Buchanan, A.E. Weisgerber, Sage Tyrtle, Ron Burch, Cheryl Markosky, Kim Magowan, Jill Witty, Katie Burgess, Gabrielle Barnby, Angela Readman, Megan Colgan, and Melissa Olstrom.