The Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction

Contest Guidelines: Open June 5th, 2020. Entries for the Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction should be 800 words or less.  Submissions should be unpublished and in .rtf, .doc, or .docx format. Deadline is July 15th, 2020. The entries will be read blind by...

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Best Small Fictions 2020 Nominations!

Congratulations to the following writers! Here are links to read their wonderful stories. The Truth about Men by Angela Readman Game Theory by Merridawn Duckler Eternal by Hugh Behm-Steinberg Fable Number 1: Des Moines, Iowa by Luke Rolfes Ward Rounds by Alexis...

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Pushcart Prize Nominations, 2020

The following stories have been nominated by our staff for the Pushcart Prize, 2020! Congratulations! Nuala O'Connor "There But For" Rebekah Bergman "Certain Solitary Creatures" Hugh Behm-Steinberg "The Names of Things" Frankie McMillan "The Winter Swimming of my...

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Open Call: Prose Poetry Issue!

We are open for submissions for a prose poetry issue through December 1st! Send us your very best prose poetry, no more than 250 words for each poem, 3 poems in a single word document (750 words max per all 3). Please know that we can’t do special formatting with our...

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Dear Leo #6

Writing Your Inner Child Or how to see with “Salvador Dali Eyes” (an awesome story by Douglas Campbell that you’re going to wish you wrote yourself)by Leonora DesarSometimes (often) being an adult is lame. Not to mention writing about it. By writing from a kid or...

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Best Microfiction 2020 open for Submissions from Magazines

The 2nd anthology Best Microfiction 2020 will be published by Pelekinesis in the spring of 2020. The Best Microfiction anthology series considers stories of only 400 words or fewer. Co-edited by New Flash Fiction Review's Founding Editor Meg Pokrass, and Flannery...

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Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction

Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction   New Flash Fiction Review continues to honor master storyteller Anton Chekhov through holding an annual award for excellence in flash fiction— or as they might have said, back in Chekhov’s time, “very short fiction”. Anton...

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3 NFFR Stories Selected for Best Small Fictions 2019

We are thrilled to announce that THREE stories from New Flash Fiction Review were selected for inclusion in Best Small Fiction 2019! Stories are "Shopgirl" by Dionne Irving Bremyer, "How Not to Become an Expat" by Kara Vernor, and "Insurance"by Elaine Chiew!...

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Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction

2020 Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction New Flash Fiction Review continues to honor master storyteller Anton Chekhov through holding an annual award for excellence in flash fiction. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a Russian playwright and short-story writer, who...

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2018 Pushcart Prize Nominations

Congratulations to our 2018 Pushcart Prize nominees! You can read the nominated stories below: Raki Kopernik, Homely Jaqueline Doyle, Pretty Girl AE Weisgerber, Sweet Violets Salvatore Difalco, Three Days Paul Crenshaw, “Fuck Zeus,” Ms. Lynne Said in Fourth Period...

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Anton Chekhov Prize 2018 Longlist is in!

Congratulations to all the authors who made the long list, and huge thanks to all who entered our first contest! Anastasia, My Broken Bird Auf Liebe Eingestellt Beneath the Pond Charred Cistern Hunger I Am Fluent In Spine Joe D. Takes Measure Kessler keeps his clothes...

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MicroWriMo Prompts by Meg Pokrass

PROMPTS ARE HERE! November 1st November 2nd November 3rd NFFR's Founding Editor/Managing Editor, Meg Pokrass, will be offering flash fiction prompts everyday in November. The prompts will be based on her stories from ALLIGATORS AT NIGHT, her new collection, available...

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Best Small Fictions, 2019 – Our Nominations

BEST SMALL FICTIONS 2019 NOMINATIONS: Everything, then Silence by Justin Hermann How Not to Become an Expat by Kara Vernor The Difference between Alligators and Crocodiles by Cathy Ulrich Two Girls Contemplate What Gorillas Do at Night by Angela Readman Anatomy of a...

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Amelia Earhart Knew Seven Latin Words for Fire by Joe Kapitan

Ignis, the flaming wreckage, bubbling rubber, liquified cloth, her skin charred and blistering, acrid smoke, the tiny thunders of survival’s kicks

I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours by Eliot Li

I tell you I’ve only ever shown it to a girl who I met on a tour bus in Moscow, where I was traveling with my parents. She had bad acne, and she really liked Duran Duran.

Electric Storm by Kathryn Aldridge-Morris

It’s been twenty minutes since the first bolt of lightning ripped a scar through the purple night sky. Since my mother said to swim in the rain ― it’s fun. Since her boyfriend Colin said he’d join us― to check we’re ok.

Fulfilling by Fiona McKay

Kate is not ‘imagining it’. There are small tufts of pale fluff on her neck, and no, it’s not ‘just a tissue in the washing machine’ as John suggests. There’s nothing drifting off his shirts, nothing clinging to Ella’s favourite black top, Josh’s Minecraft t-shirts. It’s more solid than tissue, just on her clothes. And only she can see it.

Morse Code by Elizabeth Cabrera

The old man fell asleep in his car, his nostrils pressed softly against the steering wheel, but the car kept going, because the old man’s foot was not asleep, was still pressing down hard, and later they would say, it’s not really his fault, he’s such an old man.