
A Changing of the Guard

We have some exciting news about changes at NFFR. First off, we welcome web designer, Keith Powell, who has worked with some of the classic qualities of the NFFR original design (sheep, sheep, and sheep!) and Keith has done wonderful, miraculous things. Please take a look!

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Issue 27

Featuring work by Olga Dermott-Bond, Angela Readman, JP Relph, Tommy Dean, Louella Lester, Keith J. Powell, River Kozhar, Lynn Mundell, and Leah Mueller.

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Issue 26

Featuring new work by Cathy Ulrich, Georgiana Nelsen, Todd Clay Stuart, Noémi Scheiring-Oláh, Gordon Mennenga, Kinneson Lalor, Tanya Cliff, Joe Kapitan, Kate Gehan, Kathleen McGookey, Louella Lester, and Marina Vaysberg. Cover Photography by Al Kratz.

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The Hook by Kayann Short

I catch the Skip at the last bus stop on the route, the one right next to the homeless shelter. Usually, I see folks riding from this stop for a few weeks before they move on.

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Snow Globe by Yael Veitz

I am visiting my grandfather at the nursing home. All night, I must swallow my rage.  I swallow my rage at the nurses who are rude to me, at the broken healthcare system. I swallow my rage at him.

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Issue 25

Featuring work by Eileen Vorbach Collins, Gaele Sobott, Elissa Cahn, Francine Witte, L. Soviero, Ara Hone, Shelly Jones, Jude Higgins, Gabrielle Griffis, Margaret MacInnis, Briana Maley, Yael Veitz, Kayann Short, Alfred Fournier. Painting by Kristy Evans.

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Special Issue: Myths and Legends

Featuring work by Frankie McMillan, Constance Malloy, Melissa Llanes Brownlee, Matt Kendrick, Mandira Pattnaik, Elaine Chiew, Misty Urban, Jason Zwiker, Robert Barrett, and Annie Bien.

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2021 New Flash Fiction Prize Results!

Thanks so much to this year's judge, Tara Isabel Zambrano! The results are in and we're looking forward to bringing you the contest issue soon including all the stories from the shortlist. Congratulations everyone! Thank you to everyone who entered this year. Your...

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2021 New Flash Fiction Prize Shortlist

Thank you to everyone who entered the New Flash Fiction Prize this year. The following 10 stories have been chosen by the editors and sent on to this year's judge, Tara Isabel Zambrano. A Taste of SaltThat Black NothingBoxCreation MythOlla's DaughterGrandma's Shrunken...

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Issue 24

Featuring work by Jude Higgins, Lisa K Buchanan, A.E. Weisgerber, Sage Tyrtle, Ron Burch, Cheryl Markosky, Kim Magowan, Jill Witty, Katie Burgess, Gabrielle Barnby, Angela Readman, Megan Colgan, and Melissa Olstrom.

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A Living Ghost by Megan Colgan

Yellow jackets swarm out of an old tire. Stinging me and my brother on every exposed part of our small bodies. My mother hits them with some Raid.

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The Flammable Fabric of a Flash by Melissa Ostrom

The earliest ones aren’t yours. You steal them from whoever raised you. Remnants rescued from the garbage: your mother’s perfume bottle, a lipstick worn flat, the paper-towel cardboard you use to trumpet your arrivals.

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Dear Leo #12

Keanuland! A disorganized column about staying organized by Leonora Desar Warning! This is not a sexy column. If you are looking for zaniness, genius writing prompts, or personal confession you will not find it here (much). I only wrote this because my deadline is...

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